Registered before? Log in to use your saved details.
If you registered an account, please enter your details below to login. If this is your first time, proceed to the donation form.
Pure in Heart Ireland is a registered charity (Charity # 14698) and relies entirely on donations.
You can also make a donation by:
Sending a Cheque
Sending a Cheque made payable to ‘Pure in Heart’ to 23 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland.
Standing Order
Standing orders are particularly valuable to us as they make our income more certain and predictable and a standing order form can be downloaded from our website.
Link Below:
Standing Order Form
Donations of €250 per annum or more are particularly valuable because they allow us to claim back a portion of tax without any extra cost to yourself by completing a CHY4 certificate.
Link Below:
CHY 4 Certificate
Thank you for choosing to make a donation to Pure in Heart Ireland- a little help from a lot of people makes all the difference.
Registered before? Log in to use your saved details.
If you registered an account, please enter your details below to login. If this is your first time, proceed to the donation form.
Pure in Heart Ireland is a registered charity (Charity # 14698) and relies entirely on donations.
You can also make a donation by:
Sending a Cheque
Sending a Cheque made payable to ‘Pure in Heart’ to 23 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland.
Standing Order
Standing orders are particularly valuable to us as they make our income more certain and predictable and a standing order form can be downloaded from our website.
Link Below:
Standing Order Form
Donations of €250 per annum or more are particularly valuable because they allow us to claim back a portion of tax without any extra cost to yourself by completing a CHY4 certificate.
Link Below:
CHY 4 Certificate
Thank you for choosing to make a donation to Pure in Heart Ireland- a little help from a lot of people makes all the difference.